Com a devida autorização de Terezinha (Terry) Hubener publico uma foto da comemoração do aniversário de Jane Austen pelo pessoal da JASNA West Coast Florida, e também os versos para a ocasião.

Muito obrigada, Therezinha!

Twas just before Christmas and all the food was done…
So we dressed in holiday clothes determined to have fun
We wore fancy clothes and Hats on our heads…
We were glad that no one was ill or laid up in bed.
We were happy in spite of the heat…
‘Cause we belong to a group that cannot be beat!
We all tried our best to look cold…
“Just one more picture”, is what we were told.
As our makeup was melting and our hair began growing…
That old Christmas Spirit began to start flowing!
There was laughter and joking and of course lots of sweat…
But lo and behold it’s the best picture yet!

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