Tony Grant, do London Calling é o novo guest-blogger do Jane Austen Today: “Welcome to the Jane Austen Today Team, Tony!”
Congratulations, Tony!
Views: 113
Tony Grant, do London Calling é o novo guest-blogger do Jane Austen Today: “Welcome to the Jane Austen Today Team, Tony!”
Congratulations, Tony!
Views: 113
Comentários estão encerrado.
Thanks Raquel for your wonderful welcome.I’m looking forward to working alongside you and Vic. I’ve just got back from a visit to Southampton. I took my youngest, Abigail, to visit her grandparents.
Marilyn , my wife, is in the process of writing end of year reports so we gave her some peace and quiet.
All the best,
you are very welcome!
You are at Southhampton? It is near Portsmouth, is it not? Have you saw my post about Portsmouth in Mansfield Park 1983? Just wondering…