Lembrei da Mags, do AustenBlog quando achei este vídeo de Stephen Colbert. A primeira parte é sobre o papa e somente na segunda temos Jane Austen e o beisebol.

UPDATE: corrigi para o português brasileiro beisebol.

Stephen Colbert – Jane Austen por budessa

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  1. Hi Raquel, as you know I can’t speak Portuguese let alone read it. So i don’t know what the above clip is about.But jane Austen and baseball??? She would probably have seen cricket played. Cricket originated in an organised form with rules, at Hambledon, a village not far from Chawton. Cricket was probably played in Cahwton when Jane lived there .

    Come to think of it ,baseball was invented here too, so maybe she did see a form of it.

    Al the very best,

    1. Tony,

      as you know my English is terrible, but I think the man is being satiric!

      And do I confess I know none of cricket or baseball!

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