Não posso deixar de mencionar aqui dois blogues que me inspiraram e são fonte constante de informação para o Jane Austen em Português — o AustenBlog de Mags e o Jane Austen Today de Ms. Place (Vic) e Laurel Ann.
- INSPIRATION — I could not forget to mention two blogs: AustenBlog (Mags) and Jane Austen Today (Ms. Place and Laurel Ann). They are not only inspiration but a constant source of news for Jane Austen in Portuguese.
Thanks, girls!
Views: 147
What a fabulous site! Congratulations! And thank you for mentioning our site! Vic (Jane Austen Today)
Thank you!
I have not yet read the entire JA Today, but I will. Not to mention the Jane Austen’s World and the Austen Prose. God, I need extra time, really need!
You are welcome!