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Janeites cariocas fiquem alertas! O filme Austenland será apresentado no Festival do Rio, nos dias 28 e 30 de setembro e no dia 3 de outubro, nos cines Roxy 3, Cinepolis Lagoon 5 e São Luiz 3. Para os detalhes e horários vejam a programação completa aqui.

Tomara que venha para São Paulo!

Ah! quase que me esqueço, li hoje no blog Sharp Elves Society que o filme é engraçado mas que o livro no qual é baseado (com o mesmo título, Austenland) é melhor. Li apenas o título do post pois contém spoilers.


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9 comentários

  1. Na época que vi o trailer do filme fiquei muito interessada em ver o filme, mas depois que descobri que o filme teve direção e roteiro da escritora Stephenie Meyer,fiquei com muito receio de ver o filme kk.Acho que vou esperar pelos comentários de algumas Janeites, pra depois decidir se vejo ou não 😀

  2. Hi Raquel–thanks for posting a link to my blog post! Can you translate what you wrote about it,and the two earlier comments, into English for me?

    Cheers, ARNIE
    @JaneAustenCode on Twitter

    1. Hi, Arnie

      you are welcome!

      What a said:
      Oh! I almost forget, I’ve read on Sharp Elvis’ blog that the film was funny but the book is better, the book have the same title, Austenland. I’ve read just the title because the text has spoilers.

      Fernanda said:
      At the time I saw the trailer I was very interested in seeing the movie, but then I discovered that the film was directed and written by writer Stephenie Meyer, so I was very afraid to see the movie LOL. I think I’ll wait for some Janeite’s comments, then I will decide whether or not to see.

      Raquel said:
      if you watch it tell me if you like it or not.

      1. Thank you for your reply, Raquel!

        I have to add something funny that arose from you and me from the language divide between us—you referred to my website as “Sharp Elvis”–I don’t know if that was a typo, or if you meant to write “Elvis” and not “Elves”, but changing that one vowel from “e” to “i” brings in a whole different meaning, one which will strike many people very funny, as they might think my website is about Elvis Presley and Jane Austen! 😉


      2. Dear Arnie,

        sorry, was a typo because I always write Elvis! Corrected.

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